And yet again I find myself at a loss with those who no longer apprectiate the value of a good ole film portrait. This website(http://www.dlynnwaldron.com/digitalcameras.html) created by an obvious amateur photographer proudly boasts about the superior quality of digital photography. I was appalled by the lists upon lists of reasons why one should go digital, and list by list I saw the light of film photography grow dimmer and dimmer. Not only does this site completely ignore film photography all together, it claims that film is NOT the way to go. This article even goes to the extreme of stating that film has no comparitive latitude. The research on this topic seems to be completely one sided, the one side being pro digital. D'Lynn almost intentionally leaves out all of the promising and rewarding features about film photography, taking digital for the victor. I mean, who would want to actually buy film, compose a portrait, and then personally develop the beautiful images that one has worked so hard to create? Why even try to be personal with your medium of choice at all when it is so much easier to download the picture into photoshop and touch it up anyway? D'Lynn, my friend, take a minute to actually look at and appreciate film photography. Everything is not about how fast and how cheap one can get things done. In a day and age where technology is moving at mach speed and it's easy to jump on the band wagon I have one word of advice-DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE!
1 comment:
I came across you blog today after sometime of researching film and the overall struggle between film vs digital. I wanted to say that it is a great blog, and you should keep it up.
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