An article titled "Fujifilm Rearranges the Picture" in Chemical and Engineering News has reported another man down in the film photography business. The Fujifilm Company based in Japan has recently seen a drastic decline in film photography interest. Within the last year Fujifilm has laid off thousands of workers because of the impact that digital has had on thier company. This company which once based 50% of it's profit on the film photography market now considers film a burden since it hardly contributes to the bottom line of the company's business. This article stated that since the beginning of digital photography "The worldwide photographic film market has shrunk in size from a peak of about $17 billion in 2001 to a bare $7 billion last year." In order to survive this company has had to take drastic steps to stay afloat since the demise of film photography. This company which once succeded mainly on film has laid off over 5000 people in the film industry and has focused all of it's attention on research to avoid this catastraphy again. Fujifilm now researches technology that they believe will be popular in the late future to stay on top of the game. As for film photography, well it's simply ancient history, a burden and a dead weight. Man Down!
You can read more about this stress signal for film photographers at http://pubs.acs.org.ezproxy.lib.ipfw.edu/isubscribe/journals/cen/85/i27/html/8527bus1.html
Please say a prayer for the lost.
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